Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Necessary Death Of Charlie Countryman 3/5

Her 3/5

HER                                               THIS DUDE SAYS:YOU EITHER GOING TO LOVE IT OR HATE IT, I Liked It.

Rating 3/5 ***
Director: Spike Jonze
Runtime: 126 Minutes

Rating: R

              The thing about the movie "Her" is that there is not much others like it. "Lars and the real girl" may possibly be the most similar without being bestiality. Theodore Twombly (Joaquin Phoenix) plays a lonely single man in a futuristic somewhat indie setting. Video games can talk back, you move players with your hands etc. He sees an advertisement for a OS (Operating System) that is extremely intelligent and decides to buy one. He falls in love with it laughs cries and makes a life with her voice played by (Scarlet Johansson) <----Babe by the way in "DON JON" I think you are either going to love this movie or hate it. I have herd a lot of mixed reviews but i liked it. The first half was strong the middle to end got a little lazy but overall it was a good movie and awesome acting by Joaquin.

FUN FACT: Joaquin Phoenix says he is best friends with casey affleck (Ben Afflecks Brother)

All Is Lost 2/5

ALL IS LOST                                 THIS DUDE SAYS: DONT WASTE YOUR TIME!!!!

Rating: 2.5/5 ***
Director: J.C. Chandor
Runtime: 106 Minutes
Rating: PG-13

 At first i thought the movie was going somewhere but wow i was wrong. Boring, nothing happens, no plot, no diolauge, no story line or plot, not great acting,  the few action scenes it does have happen so quickly it doesn't even look realistic,  with what hype this movie got I was expecting much more. The only reason this movie got any hype was because of Robert Redford and he wasn't even good in it I could tell he knew there was a camera staring in his face the entire movie nor did I feel for his character there was no character build whatsoever If I want to watch a ship go down ill watch titanic,  if I want to watch a man surviving in the ocean I'll watch life of pi at least there is a story and it wasn't as boring as staring at a wall for two hours. If I want to see a guy lost at sea I'll watch Castaway. This movie was a severe let down probably the biggest for years. Maybe if Rotten Tomatoes didnt give it a 94% i wouldnt have expected so much. Dont waste your time.

Lone Survivor 3.5

Lone Survivor                      This dude says: SEE IT!!

Rating 3.5/5 ****

Director: Peter Berg
Runtime: 121 Minutes

Rating: R

        Lone Survivor was a great movie. It has multiple things that make this movie good.
#1. The action scene in this movie (When it starts) is the best war action movie scene since "Saving Private Ryan".
#2. How can you not watch a movie with these HOT  actors:             Marky Mark
                                                                                                              Taylor Kitsch
                                                                                                               Emile Hirsch
                                                                                                                Ben Foster.....
....Again another couple of my man crushes (Comfortably saying Whalberg and Kitsch)
#3. It was based on a true story and the multiple Navy Seals who died in this Incident. Definitely go see this movie.

Gravity 4/5

Gravity                        THIS DUDE SAYS: SEE IT!!!!
Rating 4/5 ****
Director: Alfonso CuarĂ³n
Runtime: 91 Minutes
          Gravity was very informal, There has never been another movie quite like it, the visual effects were amazing, If you haven't seen gravity yet its a must see. Dr. Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock) is a technical Engineer on the shuttle and Matt Kowlaski (George Clooney) is a well-trained Astronaut. Disaster strikes and all hell breaks loose as 1 bad thing after another happen. This movie might make you sick or light-headed or dizzy it was extremely intense. Your in for a treat with Gravity.
- Gravity took 4.5 years to make.

- They invented new technology to film some of the scenes
- James Cameron said he was stunned after he saw the movie and absolutely loved it.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Wolf Of Wall Street 4/5

The Wolf Of Wall Street     THIS DUDE SAYS: DEFINITELY SEE IT!!!!
Rating 4/5 ****
Director: The Great Martin Scorsese
Runtime: A Whopping 180 minutes of awesomeness
Rated: R

    Leonardo Dicaprio proves he's still got it. This movie was genius It hit the spot I took my girlfriend to go see it and she had a bad attitude because it was something other than (horror) and I don't know what a good movie is according to her. Well we sat there laughing, cringing and smiling without blinking for the 3 hour runtime. Scorsese went all out with language, sexual content, drugs everything you can think of was in this movie. Jordan Belfort (Leonardo Dicaprio) One of my "Comfortable with my sexuality man-crushes" ever since Titanic, is learning to become a stock broker when he loses his job and starts working for a 50% interest company. He started making bank while he meets Donnie Azoff (Jonah Hill) his partner in crime. They throw parties, Midgets, Money and pop "Ludes" in this awesome party movie that I can watch multiple times partly because of his 2nd wife Naomi Lapaglia (Margot Robbie) She is a robo babe, if she were president she would be Baberham Lincoln. Awesome Movie

Fun Fact: Jonah Hill only got paid $60,000 dollars for his role in "Wolf" for a 7 month film shoot. He said he didn't care how much he got paid as long as I get to be in a Scorsese movie the amount doesn't matter. I know he "ONLY" got 60 grand huh haha

Dallas Buyers Club 3.5

Dallas Buyers Club               THIS DUDE SAYS: WATCH IT!!!!
Rating 3.5/5 ****
Director: Jean-Marc Valee
Runtime: 117 Minutes
Rated R
           I was expecting a lot from this movie from everything that I've herd about it and I think it fulfilled the talk. It was so different than a lot of movie and this was probably the top HIV movie other than (Kids) made. It was about Ron Woodroof (Mathew McConaughey) was diagnosed with HIV and the doctor said he had no more than 30 days to live. Being a alcoholic drug addict he would have been dead but he figured out a way to smuggle non FDA approved drugs across the border from Mexico from a sleazy doctor. Woodroof decides he was going to help all of the HIV positive people  and fight the FDA and hospitals by saying the drug AZT (the only FDA approved medicine at the time) was making it worse and telling people to buy his non-FDA approved drugs instead. He started a little business out of it while he meets doctor Eve (Jennifer Garner) and friend/Cross Dresser Rayon (Jared Leto) while they fight off Hospitals and Authority they make a stand. McConaugheys acting was phenomenal and so was Leto's It was based on a true story. Definitely a Must See
Mathew McConaughey lost 47 pounds for his role in Dallas Buyers Club
Jared Leto lost 30-40 pounds for his cross dressing role